Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 15 Writing Review

I really enjoyed how we were encouraged to explore different writing styles that fit our personal writing style. You gave ample suggestions in how we could transform the original tales into our own; such as switching the narrator, making it in present day, making it a diary post, etc. It allowed us to really see how different storytelling aspects can be used to tell the same story. I chose the storybook and am happy with my choice. I enjoyed having total creativity in the stories, but they all tied together. Although, it may have seemed easier to just edit my old stories in the Portfolio option, I am glad that I chose to create new ones with a central theme. The comments I found most useful were the constructive ones. I know that we all want to compliment each other on the creative work we did, but I found it useful when students told me something was confusing, or something could be expanded upon more to make it more dramatic. Those comments were the most helpful because it really helped me to see how a reader interprets my story and how the writing can be enhanced. I do think this class helped to improve my writing immensely! I do not write much in my major, and will not write much in my career. My career consists of writing abbreviations on medical charts and simple daily notes of patient progress. There is not much room for creativity and elaboration because it all needs to be in plain language for anyone to understand. For next semester, I advice the students to explore with the different writing styles. Don’t just always retell the story in the present day or switch the narrator. I struggle with poetry, but I wanted to try it out on a storytelling post one week and actually enjoyed it! I would suggest taking this class as an opportunity to expand out of your comfort zone with your writing.

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