Sunday, August 31, 2014

Famous Last Words Week 2

This week I was really “into” writing my storytelling assignment and was happy with how I was able to recreate the story of Mars and Venus with a modern twist. I enjoyed drawing parallel’s between the drama of the Greek Gods and Goddesses and the drama we experience today. It seemed quite easy to find similarities between the stories of Greek mythology and stories I hear in the news or pop culture. I liked being able to take the basic plot-line of the story but transplanting it into modern New York City.
            However, this week instead of focusing on my writing in the “Famous Last Words” post, I want to focus on a post I read from one of my fellow classmates. The blog post for storytelling week two by Paula was one of my favorites I have read. She choose the Cupid and Psyche unit for this week and her recreation of the story was amazing. The language between Venus and the how she speaks to the mortal in the story really captures how Venus holds herself above everyone else. She speaks down to Psyche and immediately casts her aside as insignificant because she is human. Paula really did a great job of capturing Venus’s character traits in the story. You get a sense of how jealous, vengeful, and prideful Venus is. Venus cannot stand the fact that Psyche has these gorgeous eyes and gets jealous. It is not just that Psyche should not have such gorgeous eyes, but Venus should. She wants them for herself. She then comes up with this brilliant plan to punish Psyche for trespassing on the blessed land by taking her sight away. Psyche said she wanted to see the blessed land so her punishment will be to never see again: the punishment fits the crime. But really, Venus just wants the eyes for their beauty. I think that Paula did an exceptional job conveying the character of Venus in a new story. She really captured what the storytelling blog post is all about. 

Psyche Before The Throne Of Venus;  photo by Henrietta Rae; source:ArtScroll

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Emily! Thank you so much for this! I know this was from a while back, but I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate it! I remember writing this Storytelling and how much trouble I was having coming up with something. I took Latin as my foreign language during high school so I definitely know a lot about Venus’s vengeance and jealous rampages. I am really flattered that you liked it so much!
